
Ya-Qin Zhang

Dr. Ya-Qin Zhang is a world renowned scientist, technologist and business executive.

Dr. Zhang’s career has advanced the entire world in mobile and computer technology holding sixty U.S. granted patents. His contributions to modern technology include the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) digital video, networking, operating system, and cloud computing.

Having received his B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Univ. of Science and Technology of China and Doctor of Science, from George Washington University all by the age of 23, Dr. Zhang co-founded Microsoft Research China in 1999 as the inaugural Chief Scientist.

Over his sixteen year tenure with Microsoft, Dr. Zhang elevated the company through various roles. Under Dr. Zhang’s leadership, Microsoft Research China became Microsoft Research Asia, which is esteemed as one of the premier computer science research centers in the world. He also founded Microsoft venture Accelerator in Beijing, which has become the launch pad to over 200 companies over the years.

In 2014 Dr. Zhang became the president of Baidu Inc., a leading Internet company in research, mobility, AI and cloud computing.

Dr. Zhang recently retired from Baidu in 2019 and has taken a new position as the Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence Science at Tsinghua University. His efforts will focus on the fourth industrial revolution such as autonomous driving, AI + IoT, and neuromorphic computing.

Dr. Zhang sits on the Board of numerous schools and institutions, has received countless accolades, and is a member of the Committee of 100 - a group of leading Chinese Americans to promote the cultural, scientific, social, and economic exchanges between the US and China.